I routinely examine my experiences to live more fully, to be more present, to be more aware. I record my life. I tell my story, and retell my story, if only to myself.
Wondering what the heck you should write in your journal?
Well, the answer is truly: whatever you want! Here's a list of things I've journaled about, but remember that journaling is not about a prescribed method of writing. It's just as simple as writing.
Have you taken a class with me but want to know more how it applies to you personally? Did you start a journal a little while ago but
need help picking it back up? Or is there a journal calling your name, but you have no idea how to start- and you KNOW you simply don't have time to write every day? Then... maybe you'd like a 1-1 journaling coach session with me!
So, what do I write?
what I had for breakfast, house repairs, aching body parts, sleeping habits, celebrity love affairs, and the weather.
my dreams— no matter how much or how little of them I remember.
the should-I-or-shouldn’t-I decision to paint my kitchen bright burnt orange.
the color of my friend’s newborn son’s eyes.
the patterns in my life— what direction my life is taking or not taking.
my ragged nails, the size of my thighs, and my crooked toes.
the future.
conversations with my older self, my younger self, and my plain-old everyday, right-here-and-now self.
the news— globally, locally, and privately.
the lyrics of songs I know by heart that seem to fit my life.
5 things I am grateful for (especially when I’m crabby).
my acceptance speech for my lifetime achievement award.
a description of the ocean.
endless, repetitive lists of chores to do, like “do laundry,” “clean bathroom,” “sweep kitchen,” and “organize studio.”
rants about underwire bras, doctor’s offices, and oil changes.
experiences that I have never spoken about aloud.
entirely fictional scenarios, sometimes with dialogue or purely cinematic.
the Big stuff: life, death, religion, poverty, war, peace.
the soundtrack for the movie of my life.
passionate love letters to my husband that he may or may not see.
lists of wines I have not yet tasted, menus for dinner parties I haven’t had, cities I haven’t been to.
affirmations about going to the gym, eating healthy, and the myriad recipe substitutions in the endless quest for healthy, yet delicious chocolate brownies.
a lot of questions: What am I looking forward to? What am I planning for? What is there too much of in my life, or too little? Are there places of stress in my heart or my head? Are there open spaces of love?
blessings for friends who are travelling and friends who are sick.
I routinely examine my experiences to live more fully, to be more present, to be more aware. I record my life. I tell my story, and retell my story, if only to myself. -CVGK
Tell me, what kinds of things do you write in your journal?